Decorating and Design Services

Do you need help transforming your house into a comfortable, safe haven for relaxing and entertaining? If so, Dragon Design can help you pull your home together in a creative manner.

Dragon Design is affiliated with many local artisans, and professional retail chains. She is always looking for unique, eclectic and interesting vendors she can incorporate into her list. She can help you achieve the appropriate room flow, and choose textiles based on the style, look and lifestyle you wish to maintain.

Using these design resources, Dragon Design can integrate flooring, rugs, accessories and/or furnishings into your plan.

Dragon Design can also advise you about new paint colors and faux finishing techniques. She will help you choose wall covering and fabrics for window treatments, which are in line with today's design styles and trends. Coordinating the old with the new is how she pulls it all together creatively! What ever your need or budget, Dragon Design can help you achieve that look!

Design Consultations

“How do you pull everything together in a creative manner?” We will meet with you to discuss that! Dragon Design can shop with you or for you, and will communicate with and educate you every step of the way! This will include discussions about the some or all of the following scenarios:

  • Placement of furniture and selection based on size and scale of the room
  • Paint colors, wall coverings and techniques
  • Fabrics for upholstered furniture and windows
  • Accessorizing to pull it all together
  • Appropriate amounts of light when necessary

Please contact us today to schedule a consultation at 610-299-1328.